Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Stop-motion Practice Toe touch and Ball throw

 I found it difficult to control the puppets movements and make the action feel fluid and natural. I feel my toe touch animations went better then my ball throw animation because I didn't quite get the anticipation right and when the puppet threw the imaginary ball I put too many frames in, which caused it to seem like a weak throw. I learned a lot from this exercise. I learnt that a rapid action doesn't need that many frames as long as the anticipation is long enough. I also learnt that I need to play around with the puppets joint tension in order to get the puppet to be flexible enough for the movement not to feel stiff.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

2d Head Turn Test

I was given the task to practice making a character turn his head in 2d in the program TVPaint. I am happy with the way his chin and eyes move in a over exaggerated cartoon way. I think things I need to improve and practice more, is animating hair in a 2d head turn.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

I was given a task of trying to animate a balloon and a bowling ball in stop-motion using dragon frame (shot on 2s).
My first attempt animating the balloon I felt it was too jittery at the start and I made the balloon swing too much. However, I like the way the balloon bounced at the end.

On my second attempt animating the balloon I made the path of the balloon longer at the top and shorter once it started to fall. I liked the bounce at the end but I feel like I didn't space out the fairings of the balloon's fall enough and it feels too slow and jittery.

On my final attempt at of animating the balloon I wanted to experiment with the idea of wind blowing the balloon around the frame. Therefore, I made the balloons swings more rapidly and unpredictable and made the wind blow the balloon around right before it settled on the ground.

My first attempt at animating the bowling ball I liked the way it fell to the ground but I feel I couldn't quite get the heavy feeling of the ball in the bounce.

On my second attempt I tried experimenting with having a second bowling ball bounce and roll into the first bowling ball.

Overall I need to keep practicing with the spacing of my fairings and positioning of my objects, in order to get the feeling of the weight of the object in my animations right.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Stop-motion Practice Pendulums Brief

Got given my first stop-motion brief at Falmouth Univeristy to explore the motion and timing of a Pendulum. Here is what I made.

What I made at my Photoshop Induction

Here is a beautiful image I made during my Photoshop Induction at Falmouth University.

My old animation demo reel

My old animation demo reel that I made before coming to Falmouth University.